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Update 10.4.2024


The Bright Ideas Program: Your Time to Shine!

The Bright Ideas Program is a new and easy way for everyone at AMI to share ideas and help put them into action. The Bright Ideas Program supports our continuous efforts of improving the experience of our patients, referrers, and staff members alike.   

To participate, follow the link to complete the online form submission.  A member of the Bright Ideas Committee will reach out to you following your submission. 

We look forward to receiving all of your Bright Ideas!


Bright Ideas Form Submission


UPDATES 9.20.2024

If you are having issues with your Scheduling Grid view looking squished, please see the fix below.

On the Scheduling Grid page, go to the More Filters option at the top of the screen, select 5 minutes, click Apply.

Once you have applied the 5 min filter, Save the selection to your filter profile by going into the Filter Profile dropdown and clicking Save Selections.

**If you are creating a new Filter Profile, 

UPDATES 9.10.2024

**It is important to make sure that when entering an order, or scheduling/rescheduling an exam, that the Patient Status field is set to OutPatient. This field not being set to OutPatient will result in reports not returning to facilities that we have interfaces set up with. Effective immediately, please verify that every exam has the Patient Status field set to OutPatient, this is extremely important as we continue to add facilities to the interface! Click on the link below for instructions.

Patient Status Field Instructions.pdf

UPDATES 9.1.2024

  • Exam Time Changes
    • We have been incrementally rolling out changes to our exam times across all modalities. All changes have been completed for CT, MR, and US, Mammo and Dexa are in the process of being finalized with a go-live date of 9/9. The new system has allowed us to adjust room times by each resource and is helping to streamline our scheduling process, you may have noticed that (BO, NF, TR) exams are no longer being used, this exam is no longer required due to the fact that we can now set time by resource. We will continue to monitor these changes and make modifications where needed.
  • Referrer & CC
    • We have taken action to address an ongoing concern that was being raised regarding 2nd and 3rd referrer. These have now been updated to CC: and you may add up to two providers as a cc:  
      • You will continue to enter referrer and cc information in the Add/Edit Referrer Screen
      • Reports will now display like this in the header
  • Version Upgrade
    • Some of the issues that were identified when we initially upgraded have been resolved in a newer version. We are planning to upgrade to the new version on 10/29/2024. This upgrade will only result in small changes, the look and functionality of the system will remain unchanged. Additional information on changes will be distributed closer to the upgrade date. Our goal remains to reduce inefficiencies in workflows and leverage features offered through Fuji. We are excited to continue to see this evolve. Thank you to everyone that has been assisting in testing and providing feedback. 


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